A Beginners Guide To Python 3 Programming
This textbook on Python 3 explains concepts such as variables and what they represent, how data is held in memory, how a for loop works and what a string is. It also introduces key concepts such as functions, modules and packages as well as object orientation and functional programming. Each section is prefaced with an introductory chapter, before continuing with how these ideas work in Python.
Topics such as generators and coroutines are often misunderstood and these are explained in detail, whilst topics such as Referential Transparency, multiple inheritance and exception handling are presented using examples.
A Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming provides all you need to know about Python, with numerous examples provided throughout including several larger worked case studies illustrating the ideas presented in the previous chapters.
Front Matter
Pages i-xxvii
Pages 1-11
Setting Up the Python Environment
Pages 13-22
A First Python Program
Pages 23-31
Python Strings
Pages 33-49
Numbers, Booleans and None
Pages 51-64
Flow of Control Using If Statements
Pages 65-73
Pages 75-85
Number Guessing Game
Pages 87-97
Pages 99-106
Introduction to Structured Analysis
Pages 107-116
Functions in Python
Pages 117-131
Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Pages 133-138
Implementing a Calculator Using Functions
Pages 139-148
Introduction to Functional Programming
Pages 149-155
Higher Order Functions
Pages 157-166
Curried Functions
Pages 167-173
Introduction to Object Orientation
Pages 175-188
Python Classes
Pages 189-204
Class Side and Static Behaviour
Pages 205-209
Class Inheritance
Pages 211-232
Why Bother with Object Orientation?
Pages 233-239
Operator Overloading
Pages 241-251
Python Properties
Pages 253-261
Error and Exception Handling
Pages 263-280
Python Modules and Packages
Pages 281-297
Abstract Base Classes
Pages 299-309
Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
Pages 311-323
Monkey Patching and Attribute Lookup
Pages 325-336
Pages 337-351
Iterables, Iterators, Generators and Coroutines
Pages 353-362
Collections, Tuples and Lists
Pages 363-378
Pages 379-387
Pages 389-400
Collection Related Modules
Pages 401-406
ADTs, Queues and Stacks
Pages 407-414
Map, Filter and Reduce
Pages 415-421
TicTacToe Game
Pages 423-433
Correction to: Functions in Python
Pages C1-C1
Bibliographic information
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20290-3
Copyright Information: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
eBook Packages: Computer Science
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-20289-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-20290-3
Series Print ISSN: 1863-7310
Series Online ISSN: 2197-1781
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